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Cultural Training in Luxembourg


Cultural Training in Luxembourg

Luxembourg Business Experts

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Luxembourg Cultural Training

Doing business in a foreign country isn't like going on holiday: don't expect to get by with knowledge of a few words, and don't assume business is conducted in the same way universally.

But how can you properly prepare? There are many cultural training companies and schools which can help you. They offer cross-cultural grounding, bridging the translatory and protocolic gaps between nations and people.

Providing guidance in all areas of business and sociality, these cultural training companies are experts when it comes to negotiation training; management training; and diversity training. All training, of course, can be country-specific.

Tutorials can take many forms, so investigate which will be right for you and, if necessary, your employees.

Business Etiquette in Luxembourg

The formalities and informalities; the how dyou dos and how dyou donts. Etiquette is one of the foundations of modern civilisation, and business is no exception. A business blunder, in some countries, could mean the difference between a deal and disrepute. Again, its all about culture if not adopting, at least recognising and respecting the traditions and protocols of a people.

When meeting a person always shake their hand firmly but briefly. Maintain eye contact and smile. Third party introductions are recommended. Always treat them with respect and never embarrass them as Luxembourgers are careful and prudent people who take their time in getting to know a person. To not rush them or appear impatient as they will not be business with you. Also bragging about accomplishments will only be seen as a sign of poor breeding.

Luxembourgers are excellent linguists and many are sufficiently fluent to conduct meetings in English. This does not mean that they are familiar with the latest idioms or expressions. Be careful to speak slowly.

Luxembourgers prefer subtlety to directness and consider bluntness to be rude. You can ask as many questions as you like as long as you are polite and it is based on logic and reason. The business is not the place for emotions or feelings.

Appointments are made two weeks in advance if arranged by telephone or one month if arranged by letter. Avoid making appointments between July and August, Christmas time and Easter time. Never be late for a meeting and telephone ahead if you are running late. There is little small talk and once a meeting starts it will continue without interruption until it is finished. Maintain eye contact and never remove your jacket.

Decisions are made by the highest member in the company and is usually done in private and are reached slowly. Business is conducted slowly. Be patient and do not appear ruffled by the adherence to protocol. Do not appear overly friendly. Luxembourgers compartmentalize their business and personal lives. Avoid confrontational behaviour or high-pressure tactics.

Remember that being well mannered, polite and respectful can help you no end in business. Treating others how you would like to be treated can show potential and trust to other business people.

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