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Introduction in Brazil


Introduction in Brazil

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Why Start A Business In Brazil?

Doing business in Brazil guide

There is one overwhelming discovery to be made when researching Brazil. It's big. Where landmass is concerned, it is almost the same size as the United States. Brazil shares borders with ten neighbouring nations and is the type of place whose states are larger than most small countries, but with a better climate, brighter colours and bare flesh. Oh, and plenty of investment opportunities, of course.

Brazil is one of the great socioeconomic paradoxes. It resides comfortably at number ten in the world economic rankings, yet it is still a developing nation: economies like this don't usually even stop to wipe their feet in Third World countries. Accordingly, the federal republican government offers numerous business opportunities to foreign investors, and maintains a steady process of privatisation and deregulation. There is huge economic potential, an eager domestic market and the third most advanced industrial sector of the Americas.

Spending power has overwhelmingly increased, but the ruthless grip of poverty is still Brazil's great affliction. It was once devoid of a middle-class, and as we all know, the middle-classes make the material world go round. Thankfully, though, Brazil's consumer class has been growing expeditiously. They are earning money, developing appetites, refining tastes and buying, buying, buying. There has never been a more opportune or pragmatic moment to invest.

But forget about that. We wouldn't want you to take business there too seriously. It is a rather social affair. There is even Wi-Fi on the beaches, complete with swimsuits as small as your BlackBerry. Generally speaking, business is more all-over-tan than it is Alan Sugar, and perhaps it is this carefree approach that makes Brazil such a unique location to do business. It is one of the yet-to-be players on the world's stage, waiting patiently in the wings.

At the moment, though, Brazil is content. It is rhythmically in tune with itself. But don't forget, there is a bit of Samba in all of us, so read on to find out exactly why Brazil could be rhythmically perfect for you.

What is the currency and exchange rate?

Brazil's currency is the Real (pronounced Ray-al - plural Reais), written R$ for short.

What's the climate like in Brazil?

90% of Brazil is tropical, so most of it is incredibly hot in summer. However, due to its massive expanse, covering the tropical north to the temperate south, the weather can be variable. Along the equator temperatures remain above 25 degrees C all year round. In the temperate regions the summer can get up to 45. This said, down south in Porto Alegre they can have frosts in winter (July/August). The seasons in Brazil are opposite to Europe.

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Organisations that can assist with Introduction

  • > Blue Marble Global Payroll

    Simplified Global Payroll Managing payroll across multiple countries is complicated – with unique requirements, systems, and deadlines in each country, it can be difficult to ensure compliance. Using manual processes or spreadsheets to manage payroll can lead to errors, data security issues, and penalties. Blue Marble solves your challenges with secure, cloud-based global payroll technology, aggregated monthly reporting, and in-country experts in 100+ countries.

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  • >

    When expanding your business to Brazil, don’t forget to protect your brand. We provide Trademark Registration Services in Brazil and in all South America.

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  • > The Brazilian Chamber of Commerce

    The Brazilian Chamber of Commerce has been actively promoting trade and business between the UK and Brazil for over 70 years.

    More Details Visit Website

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