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Foreign Exchange in USA


Foreign Exchange in USA

USA related forum posts


  1. Expanding cleaning company to US

    Hi, I would be interested in knowing whether it would be a good move to expand my cleaning company to the US. How would you go about doing this?

    Total Posts: 3 Last post by Cooperval

  2. Still a good business move?

    hey there, me and the husband are planning to move our film collectables store to the usa (maybe even keep our existing one in the uk too) but we're unsure if this is such a good idea now. it is such a hard decision when all the advice we're getting is so mixed. some people seem optimistic for business in the coming year, others not. &l

    Total Posts: 4 Last post by jonekane

Foreign Exchange in the US

Foreign exchange in the USA is, simply, the trading of one kind of currency for another. The foreign exchange market has no central exchange, and is run primarily 'over-the-counter' by banks, companies and ordinary people who are constantly trading currencies. Investors and entrepreneurs can respond instantly, 24 hours a day, to changes in the foreign exchange market, which are invariably affected by economic, social and political occurrences.

There isn't a single exchange rate, but rather a number of different rates or prices depending on what banks or market makers are trading, and where they are doing so.

Among others, the main participants in the foreign exchange market are:

  • Banks
  • Commercial companies
  • Hedge funds
  • Foreign exchange brokers
  • Investment management companies

Factors which influence the foreign exchange market are:

  • Economies
  • Government deficits or surpluses
  • Trade levels and trends
  • Inflation levels and trends
  • Economic growth and health
  • Political Conditions
  • Market Psychology
  • Speculation

In order to obtain a good deal on the exchange using a currency broker is advisable. Not only can a currency broker provide a competitive exchange rate, they don't have the excess costs of high street bureaus or banks.

You can also use a 'watch' service, which allows you to set a target exchange rate, and, once that rate is reached, your broker will exchange the currency for you. Exchange rates fluctuate every minute and hour of the day, and a broker will always have their finger on the pulse, ensuring you get the best deal at the right time.

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