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Marketing a Business in Austria


Marketing a Business in Austria

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Marketing in Austria

The international transition of a business is more than just costs and procedures. It's more cultural acclimatisation than calculatory acumen. It's making sure your product or service fits the inclinations and idiosyncrasies of a nation; finding a way to culturalise your business in order to reap the same results your business has achieved domestically. This is accomplished through one simple step: effective marketing when expanding a business in Austria.

Marketing your business on indigenous soil is an art-form in itself; attempting to do it overseas, in a place like Austria, is nigh-on miraculous. Countries may be becoming more heterogeneous, but the foundations of a culture rarely budge for anything: their sensitivities, traditions, humour, discourses, protocols are essentially unchanging and stubbornly unaccommodating. Therefore, the identity of your product or service needs to seamlessly fashion itself upon a nation, not the other way around, shoehorned in, hoping for the best.

Advertising and Sales promotions in Austria

Although in 2000 Austrias advertising took a decline, it has now a marked up swing with 54% of advertising coming from the newspaper and magazines sector. Austria's key newspapers include:

  • "Die Presse" which has an estimated circulation of 116,000;
  • "Der Standard" which is a business-orientated daily newspaper with an estimated circulation of about 111,000;
  • "Kurier" with an estimated circulation of about 226,000.
  • The "Neue Kronen Zeitung", Austria's largest tabloid newspaper, also has a high circulation at over 992,000 (rising to over 1.6 million at weekends).

Television and radio are also a good source of advertising and billboard advertising is a constant feature of the Austrian advertising.

The Consumer Forum, established within the Austrian Economics Ministry, is concerned with commercial advertising. It studies posters, TV, radio, newspaper adverts, and entire sales campaigns with regard to their truthfulness, information value, and ethnic sensitivity. The forum can institute proceeding against advertisers who make false claims.

Although English is the international language of business and the majority of Austrians speak English, to create a good impression it is important to use German in the early stages of business. A professional should translate initial correspondence and product literature into German. Using German in documentation, such as invoices, will help to avoid confusion or later problems about interpretation of exactly what was meant.

Cultural Sensitivity

Cultural sensitivity in Austria and understanding of protocol is paramount to effective marketing. The intricacies of a nation its beliefs, even its superstitions can make or break your business. Know the market; immerse yourself in it. Never assume your marketing strategy will be transplantable to a foreign country. There is only a slim chance language will translate well. Anglophonic countries may be susceptible, but if your product or service plays on a quintessentially British characteristic or joke the chances are, it will not be well received.

As for other countries, don't bank on using the same strap-lines or gimmicks. Unless they are perfectly transitional, your product or service could suffer especially if it relies on humour.

Unless you are certain your product or service can sell itself on indigenous merits, it is probably wise to revise its selling-points for a foreign market. As always, however, only your own fastidious research can conclude this.

Greetings in Austria are usually formal with a quick, firm handshake. Remember to maintain eye contact throughout any meetings. Watch your manner throughout and remember you may be judged on appearance so dress smart. Punctuality is a sign of respect so always be on time. First names as usually reserved for family and friends, so using their academic title and surname is vital. Sometimes Austrians are blunt, do not be offended by this bluntness or take it for rudeness, this is just their nature when trying to move a discussion on.

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