
Hi There!I was looking to bring in a skincare range from America to sell in UK, what legal procedures do I need to abide by? ie. licensinglaws, testing etc
Total Posts: 8 Last post by ghtrips
Setting up a company in Singapore is exciting, but the process can feel a bit confusing if you’re new to it. From choosing the right business structure to registering with ACRA and meeting compliance requirements, there are many steps to get it right. That’s where Reliance Consulting comes in! We specialize in company registration and will guide you through the entire process, ensuring everything
Total Posts: 1 Last post by teosiang
Do not attempt to duplicate what you left behind; you will never be satisfied. You have to be open-minded and keep a smile on your face.
Toorna discusses her forthcoming move to France. My partner Duncan and I attended one of your exhibitions last year. Although we haven't yet started the business, we are about to do so this year. We met one of the exhibitors, French Property Angels, which spurred us on to following our dream of setting up a chalet business in the Alps.
New chapters are obviously never easy, and unearthing yourself from the comfort of familiarity is hard enough. But attempting to plant yourself in the stubborn soil of unfamiliarity is a different story altogether.
French bureaucracy is a mine field so we sought help from a French accountant. He explained the process of registering our business, where we should go to register the business as there are many Government organisations who deal with different company types, as well as other very useful advice about taxation.
Trade In France started working with a UK-based mushroom grower in 2011 to help them to understand the market conditions for organic mushrooms in France.