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Applying transport licence Bulgaria

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Applying transport licence Bulgaria

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Any carrier wishing to carry cargo on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and / or on the territory of the European Union must register a transport company and hold the respective license to carry cargo on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria or a license to carry out international freight transport.

This development concerns the registration of a freight transport company within the European Union (the procedure for registering a freight transport company on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria is similar).

This is the issue of a Community license for the international carriage of goods.The procedure for issuing such an international transport license is regulated in ORDINANCE No 11 OF 31 OCTOBER 2002 FOR THE INTERNATIONAL CARRIAGE OF PASSENGERS AND GOODS.

The state fee for issuing an international license for freight transport from January 1, is 500 leva. The freight license is NOT indefinite!It shall be issued for a period of validity of 10 years, after which it shall be renewable.

  1. In order to operate as a freight carrier, you must first register a transport company.It is recommended to be in the form of EOOD or OOD.
  2. The transport activity can be realized with both own and hired heavy trucks, but obligatory with Bulgarian registration.The license of the transport company is issued by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications on a proposal of the Automobile Administration Executive Agency.

Any transport company applying for a freight license must meet certain specific requirements, namely:

I. REASONABILITY– The requirement of reliability is met when transport managers are not convicted of deliberate crimes of general character under the Penal Code or are not deprived of the right to exercise transport.

II. PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE– The transport manager must have a Certificate of Professional Competence issued by the Automobile Administration Executive Agency or a Certificate of Professional Competence issued by a competent authority of a Member State of the European Union.Note that a person may be the head of the transport activity of no more than two transport companies.

III. FINANCIAL STABILITY– Demonstration of the financial stability of the transport company depends on the number of vehicles with which the transport activity will be carried out.For the first car, the transport company proves that there are resources for carrying out its transport operations, equal to the BGN equivalence of EUR 9,000, and for each subsequent car the BGN equivalence of EUR 5,000.The provision of the above mentioned resources for transport activity is evidenced by the corresponding amount in the capital of the transport company, through bank guarantee and insurance contract.

At the same time, the transport company must have no tax and social security obligations unless it is deferred or deferred under the Tax and Social Insurance Procedure Code, as evidenced by the Certificate for the existence or absence of tax liabilities.

IV.ESTABLISHING THE TERRITORY OF THE REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA– the transport company must have its own or hired operational center, garage area and office.

Compliance with each requirement should be certified by the relevant document.The circumstances declared in the contracts, declarations, etc.are controlled and controlled and checked prior to the license being issued by the licensing authority, so it is advisable to use advisory services to specialists who are familiar with the practical requirements for issuing such a license.

The time limit for the issue or refusal to issue a license for the carriage of goods is 30 calendar days from the date of filing of the application.If there is a document missing or there is an irregularity in the documents submitted, the deadline for their removal is one month after receipt of the instructions from the Ministry.The license is issued in as many copies as the vehicles themselves.

We would like to offr you our legal service as follows :

  • Drafting of documents & registration procedure of your new shipping company for you.
  • Legal advices to preparation , fill in and submit the necessary documentation for the issuance of an international freight license.

    We will save you valuable time with our knowledge and skills to complete the registration process and get a freight license for you at moderate competitive prices.

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