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What is the benefit of a multi-lingual notary?

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What is the benefit of a multi-lingual notary?

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London–based businesses with international interests might often find themselves in need of the services of a London notary public. Foreign Commercial Registries, Regulatory Bodies, Courts and business partners among others might request that certain corporate documents be “notarised”. These documents can be split into two broad categories: – those which need to be signed by a representative of the company and those where no signature is required.

Attesting signature, capacity and authority

One of the key regulations which govern the notarial profession in England and Wales, the Notaries Practice Rules 2014, makes it clear that notaries are not permitted to certify documents prepared in a language other than English of which they do not have sufficient knowledge. Given the international role played by notaries in this country, the ability to converse as well as prepare documents andattestationsin foreign languages cannot be overstated. The benefits from using a notary who is fluent in the language in which a document is prepared are numerous.

First, the time it takes to complete transactions will be reduced. The multi-lingual notary can assist a client’s understanding of the documentation and, upon request, will also provide the necessary certification in the same language. Secondly, this has the added advantage of saving costs. By being able to explain the content of foreign language documents and issuing certifications in these languages, multi-lingual notaries further assist their clients by avoiding the expense of arranging translations. Such translations would, by necessity, be of the documentation at hand, but they may also extend to the certifications issued by the notary.

Another key advantage of multi-lingual notaries is their ability to communicate successfully with all parties, both those in the UK and those in the country where the document will take effect. The ability of multi-lingual notaries to liaise with foreign lawyers and authorities at an early stage in order to determine how a document must be prepared and certified will help reduce any potential bottlenecks in a given transaction.

Notarial Services London

If you instruct a London notary public the chances are that you have engaged the services of a scrivener notary. This highly qualified and specialised branch of the notarial profession have, as part of their training, undertaken examinations in at least two foreign languages other than English. This particular aspect of their qualification allows scrivener notaries to issue certified translations of documents in their approved languages.

Additionally, scrivener notaries have been assessed in the law and legal system of the jurisdiction of their principle foreign language. Therefore, as well as having all the benefits associated with multi-lingual notaries, a scrivener notary is able to offer clients enhanced notarial services. By having knowledge of a foreign legal system scrivener notaries are able not only to provide the appropriate certification but also ensure that the document to which it relates fulfils the requirements of the country in which it will be used. A good example to illustrate this point is a power of attorney given by a UK-registered company in favour of its Spanish lawyers.

Whilst a multi-lingual notary may be able to certify the power of attorney in the Spanish language, a scrivener notary will do this in addition to advising clients of the requirements that the power of attorney must fulfil in order to be valid in Spain. Upon instruction, the scrivener notary will therefore amend the power of attorney in Spanish if the case dictates. This extra level of service provided by scrivener notaries stems from both their specialised training and their unrivalled experience in such matters.

Article supplied by De Pinna Notaries & Translators

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