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UK and Mexico commit to collaboration on climate change and trade

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UK and Mexico commit to collaboration on climate change and trade

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At a meeting of the UK-Mexico High-Level Economic Talks in London, both countries agreed to broaden cooperation across a number of areas.

UK and Mexican Ministers met in London for the UK-Mexico High-Level Economic Talks.

Following the signing of a Partnership Agreement during the visit of the Foreign Secretary to Mexico City in August 2019, the latest talks focused on delivering those commitments to sustainable and inclusive growth, as well as promoting future collaboration in trade and investment.

Minister of State responsible for trade and economic diplomacy, Nigel Adams said:

The UK-Mexico relationship has gone from strength to strength over the last decade, and this latest set of talks offer the opportunity to boost our ties even further.

Our focus on prosperity, climate change and sustainable development demonstrates both our nations are striving to tackle the global challenges that will affect the next generation and be a force for good in the world.

In the Minister’s meeting with Mexican Deputy Foreign Minister, Julián Ventura, both committed to pursuing an ambitious future trading relationship.

UK government investment and collaboration in activity in Mexico has grown from £1 million in 2013 to now being worth up to £250 million over the next 4 years, covering health, education, climate change and sustainable development.

A decade after Mexico hosted COP16 in Cancun, the UK will gather world leaders in Glasgow for COP26. Representatives at the talks today discussed ways in which both governments can work closer together on tackling climate change and boosting sustainable development.

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