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UK-Switzerland Mutual Recognition Agreement

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UK-Switzerland Mutual Recognition Agreement

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The UK and Switzerland have signed a Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) to reduce non-tariff barriers related to conformity assessment in 5 sectors.

Summary of the agreement

The UK-Switzerland MRA contains the conditions under which each country will accept conformity assessment results from the other.

The MRA covers:

  • electrical equipment and electromagnetic compatibility
  • measuring instruments
  • radio equipment
  • transportable pressure equipment
  • noise emitting equipment for use outdoors

The MRA allows for these goods to be tested in the UK against Swiss regulations. The goods can then be sold in Switzerland without additional testing in Switzerland.

Equally, the MRA sets out how relevant goods can be tested in Switzerland against UK regulations. The goods can then be sold in the UK without additional testing.

Treaty text and explanatory memorandum

The treaty establishes mutual recognition of conformity assessment between the UK and Switzerland.

The explanatory memorandum has information on the agreement, including:

  • ministerial responsibility
  • policy considerations
  • implementation

The agreement will be applied provisionally from 1 January 2023, pending Parliamentary approval.

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