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Report a problem using the Customs Declaration Service
Find out what to do if you experience a problem whilst submitting a declaration using the Customs Declaration Service.
Government opens record industry conference to kickstart SME exports
UK Export Finance welcomes industry to its largest ever national conference, promoting SME growth.
Northern Ireland firm expands into new markets after new partnership between UKEF and Ulster Bank
UKEF’s support helping Maxflow gain access to capital through its General Export Facility (GEF) will see the business expand into new export markets.
New global growth team
A new ‘global growth team’ of UK Trade Envoys has today been appointed by the Trade Secretary to drive UK exports and investment.
New 'global growth team' appointed by Trade Secretary
A new ‘global growth team’ of UK Trade Envoys has today been appointed by the Trade Secretary to drive UK exports and investment.
Record Number of Britons Heading Down Under
Recessional times and gloomy weather have sparked an exodus of emigrants to relocate Down Under to make their millions and start a new life.
Queensland came top of a list of most desirable Antipode cities conducted by the Move Monitor. The survey was commissioned by the home and relocation company Pickfords, who revealed a 31% rise in the number of British people emigrating to Australia in 2008 (in comparison to the previous year).
The survey focused the relocation patterns of over 7000 Brits who relocated overseas last year. There was also a 44% rise in the number moving to Adelaide and a 42% increase to Melbourne.
The managing director of Pickford's, Kevin Pickford, himself moved to the Antipodes in 1982, but later returned to UK shores. He had this to say:
"I fully understand the draw of Australia, its attractions and benefits. I'm sure the quality of life, sunnier climate and diverse job opportunities play a big part in people's relocation decision."