Also in the news...
Due diligence for excise registered businesses
Find out about risks of excise duty evasion and other commercial risks if you're an excise warehouse keeper or registered consignor.
Policy paper UK support to Ukraine: factsheet
This factsheet summarises how the UK is supporting Ukraine following the Russian invasion.
UK-Kenya Economic Partnership Agreement
Documents containing treaty information and a summary of the UK-Kenya trade agreement.
Talks relaunch on India trade deal to boost UK’s growth agenda
UK-India free trade talks are being relaunched, with a visit to India by the Business and Trade Secretary.
Claim a waiver for duty on goods that you bring to Northern Ireland from Great Britain or countries outside the UK and EU
Find out how to claim a waiver if you are bringing goods into Northern Ireland from Great Britain or countries outside the UK and EU which might otherwise be charged ‘at risk’ tariffs.
You will need to make declarations and may need to pay any tariffs due when bringing goods into Northern Ireland from Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland) or from countries outside of the UK and EU.
If you are bringing goods into Northern Ireland from Great Britain, you may be eligible to claim a waiver on Customs Duty, which means that you would not have to pay the duty owed.